
Assignment Form

This Assignment Form is sent to the Investigative Engineers Association (I-ENG-A) Association Headquarters. I-ENG-A Association Headquarters will send the information to the closest member firm to the property/evidence location. The member firm will contact you directly to discuss the details further. If you wish to send an assignment to a specific firm, please indicate their firm name in the below form field labeled 'I-ENG-A MEMBER FIRM NAME'. The field names in red indicate the required fields. Call (844) 217-6975 if you require any assistance.

Individual Requesting Service --

Assignments specific

Claim/Assignment Insured/Client Contact Information

Your Client/Insured Contact Name(s):
Insured Company Name:
Insured Address:

Property/Evidence Information (If Different From Insured Address/Location)

Invoicing Information:

Please complete this Assignment Form as best you can. Minimal information to create an assignment is your name, phone number and/or email address. When submitted between 9am-5pm EST we will be in contact within 1 hour to complete your request unless you request extended hours.